Thursday, September 30, 2010

Help the Richmond Heights Fire Department

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Take the 10 question test. You need to pick Richmond Heights and you will need a zip code.. you can use yours or 63117. This will help my department win a $10,000 grant!!!! Liberty Mutual will not contact you unless you request it. THANK YOU!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maplewood firefighters receive national award

Maplewood firefighters receive national award

Washington D.C. (KSDK) -- Four Maplewood firefighters were awarded one of the nation's highest honors at the White House on Wednesday for their bravery during a 2008 fire and shooting call.

Lieutenant William Appel, Firefighter/EMT Timothy Wisely, Firefighter/Paramedic Andrew Neff, and Firefighter/Paramedic Michael Chellis received the United States Department of Justice Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor.

In July 2008, a Maplewood man set fire to his home and shot at the first responders who came to fight the fire. Firefighter Ryan Hummert was killed.

The four firefighters were among the first on the scene.

The awards were presented by Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Regarding the awards, Maplewood Fire Chief Terry Merrell said, "It further validates what we already know. These men are truly heroes."

Also recognized at Wednesday's ceremony was Deputy Carl Beier with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department.

On September 8, 2007, Deputy Beier responded to a report of a violent disturbance at a rural residence and took fire from a suspect with an AK-47 assault rifle. The Justice Department says his actions prevented other officers from danger while standing his ground under continuous fire.