Tuesday, October 23, 2012

From Mike Jones

Dear Friends & Neighbors,
This is just a reminder of our next Centennial Planning Meeting this Thursday, Oct. 25th. It will take place at The Heights @ 7pm  We still need help. This meeting, we will be putting together the events we have planned so far and plugging in new ideas. This would be a perfect time to join us and become a part of your city's 100 year celebration. Our next meeting will be Nov.15th. We are moving up one week due to Thanksgiving on the 22nd of November. Time is growing short with the Centennial kick-off event being Monday, December 10, at 7:00 -The Heights. Please mark your calendars now! 
At 1pm, November 11th, at The Heights we will have a Dedication Ceremony for the Veterans Memorial. This will re-dedicate a plaque [November 11, 1936 ] of residents who made the supreme sacrifice for their country and our freedom. We have streets in your city named after them: Goff, Winzenburg, Gray, Lile, and Rupert.

Starts at 1:00pm
Posting of Colors
Welcome-Introduction-VFW, American Legion
Mayor Beck’s remarks
History of Plaque
Unveiling of Plaque
Invocation [Ft. Herzog ]
Pledge of Allegiance

Reception-Before and after inside, The Heights